April 26, 2007

How Did You Get Herpes?

Perhaps from time to time you ask himself or herself: how did it happen? How did I get this awful disease?

I’ve found out that herpes spreads through intimate skin contact with an infected person. The bad news is that the virus transmission can occur when the infected person does not even have any visual symptoms of herpes – blisters or ulcers or some other things like that! Some people may never have any symptoms and may not know that they are infected with the herpes virus at all! Unfortunately they can still transmit the herpes virus to others people.

Do you like kissing? I think so because it’s so pleasant. So am I but… Do you know that oral herpes can be spread through kissing??? Terrible!

So I thing everything is clear about oral herpes. But what about more awful disease? I mean genital herpes

It’s natural that genital herpes is transmitted through sexual contact. Remember, any sexual contact! Vaginal, anal, oral! Can you imagine that the virus can be transmitted from oral to genital regions and vice versa during oral sex??? But that is the case.

So what to do? You have to be careful of course in order to protect yourself. But if the herpes virus transmission has happened already… Keep reading!

Photo: www.flickr.com

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