September 25, 2007

Herpes risk factors

There are some risk factors for herpes.
In general they are connected with sex and sexual partners.

Herpes risk factors include:

• unsafe sex
• having sex with more than one partner
• having sex with someone who has multiple sex partners.

So be careful having sex!

How can you protect yourself from getting herpes?

The chance of becoming infected with herpes can be reduced by avoiding risky sexual behaviors.

To reduce your risk:

• Use latex or polyurethane condoms during sex. While this may help reduce the risk of transmission, transmission may still occur if herpes lesions are on parts of the body not covered by the condom.

• Limit the number of your sex partners.

• Avoid any contact with a partner who has sores until the sores are completely healed.

• Avoid having sex until the sores are fully healed or use a male or female condom during anal, oral, or vaginal sex. However, transmission can still occur if the condom does not cover the sores.

• Avoid having sex just before or during an outbreak, since the risk for transmission is highest at that time. If possible, encourage your partner to let you know at the first sign(s) of an outbreak so that you both can avoid sex then.

• If possible, ask any potential sexual partners if they have ever had a herpes outbreak, and encourage them to see a health care provider or clinic for more information—even if they do not have any symptoms.

Be healthy and happy!

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