December 28, 2007

Herpes Treatment: Home Remedies. Part III

Home remedies for cold sores: Garlic

Garlic is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, killing bacteria, fungus, yeast, viruses and parasites. A scientific study has confirmed that garlic can destroy several virus types on contact including herpes type 1 and 2. Herpes simplex-1 causes 80% of all oral herpes.

So garlic could be very useful for cold sores except for the smell. You can use sliced garlic cloves. You may also want to eat it. But more than 2 raw garlic cloves at a time may ruin your stomach and will also give you "a breath to remember".

Even though, it is unclear how garlic supplements act in the body man y people with herpes have stopped several outbreaks by taking high doses of garlic extract. 900 mg of garlic a day is a good start. Garlic is one of the most powerful home remedies for cold sores. But it is not very convenient and can cause nausea and skin burns if taken raw.

Try to use mainly garlic extracts as a cold sore treatment when you feel the first signs of tingling. I prefer Garlinase Fresh because it contains very high levels of the most active garlic ingredient allicin and enzymes. It helps digest garlic easily and reduces bad breath.


December 27, 2007

Herpes Treatment: Home Remedies. Part II

Home remedies for cold sores: Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest home remedies for cold sores, herpes and wounds in Europe. But its potential as a treatment extends far beyond herpes and apple cider vinegar is still called a wonder drug by many.

It can be used topically to prevent fever blisters or cold sores from developing. It should not be used pure on open sores because it can sting a lot. Pour a few drops on a cotton ball and apply it on your cold sore or blister. You can also mix it with lemon juice to increase its potential.You may also add a table spoon to your face lotion or toner. It will clear your skin from those horrible blackheads and prevent future cold sores.

I also recommend drinking one or two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per day in a glass of water at each change of season. It detoxifies and brings a lot of minerals to the body, helps with hair loss, bad teeth, skin disorders and so much more. It is a little acidic so don't drink too much and start slowly with one to two teaspoons per day and increase gradually.

I personally love apple cider vinegar. I hate the taste but I love the results. It's very important that you use unheated preferably non-filtered organic apple cider vinegar if you want to get any valuable results.


December 25, 2007

Herpes Treatment: Home Remedies. Part I

Home remedies for cold sores are very simple to use. Most of their ingredients can be found in the kitchen. Cold sore home treatments are very interesting because they are very inexpensive and easy to use.

Cold sore home remedies effectiveness is not usually scientifically researched or proven. Nevertheless, homemade cold sore remedies tend to have a strong folks’ medicine history and are safe to use. Here is a list of cold sore home treatmens that I find valuable. They are listed in order of interest, lemon being my absolute first choice.

Home remedies for cold sores: Lemon

One of my most favorite home remedies for cold sore is definitely lemon. Lemon has been used to stop fever blisters or cold sores over decades in Europe. You can cut a small slice of lemon and place it either on your cold sore and leave it there as long as you can. Change it as often as possible with a fresh slice.

This home remedy for cold sores should be used as a treatment at the beginning of an outbreak and not on open sores or crusts. This remedy has successfully helped me to abort herpes outbreaks several times.

Whenever I felt a strong itch I placed a slice of lemon just where the fever blister should have appeared and after a few hours the itching stopped and that was it.

It may be a little inconvenient for oral herpes as you don't want to be walking all day with a slice of lemon hanging from your face but it is surely helpful at night and you can use a very thin and discreet piece of lemon. It will still work as long as you change it regularly.

If you're at work and you feel uncomfortable walking around with a slice of lemon on your face all day, you can fill a little perfume spray with lemon juice and spray it several time on your face during the day.

You may also drink a good lemon juice in the morning. It's very good for general health and can give you an extra boost to prevent or treat cold sores. For example, I take up to 4 lemon juices in a glass of water per day when I have a cold and it usually disappears in 24 hours. Try to drink your lemon juice in between meals for best results.

Vitamin C is a great cold sore remedy and disease fighter. If you want to get a lot of vitamin C from your lemon, eat it raw with the white part of the lemon peel left on it. That's where most of the vitamin C of your lemon is stored. Eat it slowly. I admit it is unpleasant but so efficient. It really boosts the immune system.

December 24, 2007

Herpes Dating

If you have herpes, it doesn't mean your sex life is over. You are not alone!

If you have herpes it does NOT mean that you are always contagious and will automatically spread it to your partner. There are ways to reduce the risk of transmission and keep your partner safe. There are many couples in which one person has herpes, and the other person does not.

There are many herpes social and support groups you can join to meet other people who are in the same situation. Some of these groups are very active and are a great place to make friends and find people to date. There are also several online dating services for people with herpes.

Remember, you are not alone! Your life is continuing!

Information about herpes dating:

Online dating service:

Herpes social groups:

How to reduce the risk of herpes transmission:


December 21, 2007

Herpes virus to kill cancer cells?

A German biotech company has announced positive results from a genetically engineered herpes virus that is designed to kill cancer cells. It not only kills the cancer cells but leaves healthy tissue unharmed. Results from clinical trials has showed promise.

Being injected with a herpes virus might seem strange but researchers believe that viruses could one day become a valuable addition to conventional cancer treatments.

The results have shown in animal testing and limited human testing the ability to kill colorectal and liver cancer cells.


December 4, 2007

Vaginal Herpes

The fact is herpes is more common in women than in men. Moreover, herpes affects one woman out of every four! It's estimated that over half a million new cases of the herpes simplex virus occur every year.

Some of the earliest symptoms can include:
· An itching or burning sensation
· Pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area
· Vaginal discharge
· A feeling of pressure or fullness in the abdominal area
A few days following the initial symptoms, sores or lesions erupt at the site of the infection. These sores can occur inside the vagina or on the cervix in women, as well as in the urinary passage in both men and women.

Herpes lesions may first appear as small red bumps that develop into blisters which become painful, open sores. After several days these sores become crusted and then heal without scarring.

The first episode of genital herpes can also include symptoms such as:
· fever
· headache
· muscle aches
· urinary pain or difficulty
· swollen glands in the groin area.

After genital herpes invades the skin or mucous membranes, the virus travels to the sensory nerves at the end of the spinal cord where it remains inside the nerve cells in an inactive state. Most people experience a monthly recurrence of symptoms. During a recurrent episode of genital herpes the virus travels along the nerves to the skin where it multiplies at or near the site of the original herpes lesions, causing new sores to appear.

There are three drugs currently available to treat genital herpes. However, these medications are not cures. Pharmaceutical treatment of genital herpes may shorten the length of first episodes and reduce the severity and frequency of recurrent episodes. These drugs are:
· Zoviraz (acyclovir),
· Famvir (famciclovir),
· Valtrex (valacyclovir).

Zoviraz is useful for first and recurrent episodes of herpes, while Famvir and Valtrex are approved by the FDA to treat recurrent episodes.

Patients can help speed healing and avoid spreading the infection by following a few simple steps during periods of active herpes:

· Keep the infected area clean and dry.
· Don't touch the sores; if you do wash your hands immediately.
· Refrain from sex from the time you first notice symptoms until sores/lesions are completely healed and covered by new skin.

Recurrent episodes of herpes can be triggered by minor trauma, other infections including colds, menstruation, and stress.


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