December 24, 2007

Herpes Dating

If you have herpes, it doesn't mean your sex life is over. You are not alone!

If you have herpes it does NOT mean that you are always contagious and will automatically spread it to your partner. There are ways to reduce the risk of transmission and keep your partner safe. There are many couples in which one person has herpes, and the other person does not.

There are many herpes social and support groups you can join to meet other people who are in the same situation. Some of these groups are very active and are a great place to make friends and find people to date. There are also several online dating services for people with herpes.

Remember, you are not alone! Your life is continuing!

Information about herpes dating:

Online dating service:

Herpes social groups:

How to reduce the risk of herpes transmission:



Anonymous said...

Why don't you mention the anonymous herpes dating and support site A friend of mine told me about it. At first I was very uncomfortable about internet dating. But after a good night of sleep I thought to myself, what the heck, let's give it a try.

Less than 2 weeks later, I got in contact with somebody. We winked, mailed, chatted, and decided to meet. That worked really well, so we dated more, and things got more serious. Now nearly 6 months and a few trips later, we can't get through the day without at least talking to each other. We are both very happy and we advice everybody to give it a try! There is always chance that you meet the love of your life. As our story proves.No matter you have herpes,hpv, hiv/aids or not. Why let H ruin your love life?

Kathy said...

Thanks a lot for your comment! I believe is a very useful resource. I'll add it to my list of the useful herpes resources in the near future. Thank you!

STDromancedotcom said...

As a matter of fact, 70 million are afflicted with STDs in the U.S. alone and an estimated over 400 million worldwide. Are you one of them? go to

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