October 12, 2007

Boosting the Immune System to Fight Herpes

Immunity is a crucial thing for our health. Just think: if you have strong imunity you can fight any disease including herpes! But what to do if you are not so lucky? How to boost your immune system?

I’d like to publicate several posts about immunity strengthening. Let’s start!

How to Strengthen Immune System: 3 tips

1. Diverse diet

Researches proved that luck of juct one necessary agent for organism could lead to immunity weakening. So we need diverse food!

2. Fruits and vegetables

Scientists believe that fruits and vegetables are very useful for us. I mean a variety of fruits and vegetables of all kinds and colours. Red, yellow, green.

3. Seafoods

Any seafood contains many nutrients that are absolutely necessary for people. Seafoods are sources of many vitamins, mineral matters (calcium, phosphorus, iron) and trace elements (selenium, zinc, iodine).

It’s only beginning of my discoveries of immunity subject. We've to fight herpes!

Keep reading. To be continued!

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