Genital herpes is manageable. Over the years, a number of treatments offering effective relief from symptoms of genital herpes and cold sores have been developed.
According to a survey conducted by the American Social Health Association in 1991, most patients with Herpes try between two and five different therapies.
These include:
The standard, effective and specific treatment for genital herpes is antiviral therapy, which is usually in tablet form.
Antiviral drugs stop HSV from replicating in the body. The treatment only works while you are taking the drug, and cannot prevent future outbreaks once you stop taking it.
Antiviral treatments can:
Antiviral medications can be used in two ways:
1. To treat outbreaks as they happen ('episodic' treatment). With episodic treatment, the aim is to shorten the time each outbreak lasts and to relieve symptoms. If you are coping well and your outbreaks are not too frequent, you and your doctor may agree that episodic treatment is the most appropriate option.
2. To prevent or delay recurrent outbreaks ('suppressive' therapy). If your recurrent outbreaks are frequent or severe your doctor may recommend that you take oral antiviral medication every day to help prevent outbreaks happening. Suppressive therapy is taken continuously, e.g. daily, for months or even years.
Oral antiviral medication is only available by prescription.
You should consult your doctor for further information about antiviral treatment for your particular situation.
These medical drugs are usually synthetically made and their usage should be very strictly monitored.