January 5, 2008

Herpes Handbook

Genital Herpes

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Genital herpes infection is very common and on the increase in the United States.

Nationwide 45 million people aged 12 and older (1 out of 5 of the total adolescent and adult population) are infected with HSV-2.

It is more common in women (1 out of 4) than in men (1 out of 5) possibly because male to female transmission is more efficient than female to male transmission.

HSV-2 infection is also more common in areas of high socio-economic disadvantage, facing fundamental issues of health such as:

  • access to quality health care
  • poverty
  • living in communities with a high prevalence of STDs
  • illicit drug use

    The Herpes Virus

    HSV-type 1
    causes fever blisters on the mouth or face (oral herpes)

    HSV-type 2
    typically affects the genital area (genital herpes)

    Both viral types can:
  • be inactive or 'silent' causing no symptoms
  • cause either genital or oral infections
  • cause 'outbreaks' of blisters and ulcers

  • People can remain infected for life after the first initial episode.

    Source: http://www.herpes-coldsores.com/std/herpes.htm
    Photo: http://www.flickr.com/

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