January 25, 2008

Herpes Simplex Viruses

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) commonly causes herpes labialis also called:

  • cold sores
  • fever blisters
  • oral herpes

    The virus produces highly infectious open sores that crust over before healing.

    Although less probable, HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes.

    Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)

    Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is a contagious viral infection primarily causing genital herpes in men and women.

    Symptoms of genital herpes include:

  • bumps
  • rashes in the genital areas
  • recurrent clusters of blisters

    HSV-1 and HSV-2

    HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause other diseases including:

    Herpes simplex encephalitis

    a rare but potentially fatal herpetic infection of the brain

    Neonatal herpes

    a rare but potentially severe HSV infection in a newborn
    is caused by transmission of the virus from mother to baby during delivery

    Herpetic whitlow

    an HSV infection of the finger
    caused from transfer of the infection from another part of the body or from direct contact with another
    is more prevalent amongst health care workers

    Herpes keratitis

    an HSV infection of the eye
    can cause blindness

    Herpes gladiatorum

    an HSV infection, usually of the skin, acquired during wrestling
    skin can become abraded or scraped, during a wrestling match, allowing a herpes virus to enter the body and establish an infection

    Unlike viruses such as influenza which can be transmitted through the air, herpes simplex viruses require physical contact.

    They are frequently transmitted through:

  • mouth-to-mouth contact (HSV-1)
  • genital-to-genital contact (HSV-2)
  • hand-to-genital
  • mouth-to-genital

    Source: http://www.herpes-coldsores.com/std/herpes.htm#self_help_remedies
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