January 9, 2008

Herpes Handbook

Symptoms of Herpes

Symptoms of herpes vary, but often most people have no noticeable symptoms.

Early symptoms may include:

  • burning sensation in the genitals
  • flu-like symptoms
  • lower back pain
  • pain when urinating

    Small red bumps may appear in the genital area after initial symptoms, which later develop into painful blisters.

    The blisters usually:
  • crust over
  • form a scab
  • heal


    The First Outbreak

    Symptoms usually develop within 2-20 days after contact, but could continue up to 2 weeks.

    The first infection may be so mild it goes unnoticed. In other cases, the first attack causes visible sores. Subsequent recurrences of the virus may cause an outbreak of blisters.

    The virus retreats into the nerves and lies dormant. Even when there are no symptoms of herpes, transmitting the virus is still possible (asymptomatic viral shedding).

    Healing of the skin does not normally leave scarring.

    Typical Symptoms

    When it gets into skin cells the virus reproduces itself and starts to multiply, making the skin red and sensitive.

    Blisters or bumps may appear on the genital area, the blisters first opening and then healing with the regeneration of new skin tissue.

    During the outbreak the infected area may:
  • be painful
  • burn
  • itch
  • tingle

    Other symptoms include:
  • fever
  • headache
  • infection of the urethra causing a burning sensation when urinating
  • muscle ache
  • painful inflamed blisters which develop around the infected area
  • swollen lymph glands
  • vaginal or penis discharge

    The first episode is the most severe, with most episodes lasting 10-21 days. A warning sign (prodrome) such as tingling is experienced by many people in recurring outbreaks.

    Should any of these symptoms occur, consult your doctor or other health care provider immediately.

    Genital herpes should be diagnosed and treated professionally.

    Source: http://www.herpes-coldsores.com/std/herpes.htm
    Photo: http://www.flickr.com/


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    Kathy said...

    Thank you very much for your comment. I have a partner.

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